United States: A new blood test that has been identified recently which will help the doctors to find out the pregnant women who are at the risk for preeclampsia, sadly this is a severe condition that can cause hight blood pressure and could harm both, mother and the cute little baby.
And this particular test, it looks at the tiny particles in the blood are called extracellular vesicles and which carry the information between the cells. Researchers have found that women with preeclampsia had a different pattern of genetic markers in these particles compared to the women with healthy pregnancies.
How the Test Works
This particular pattern can form as beforehand as the first 3 months of the gestation the experimenters said and the it has the implicit to prognosticate the development of the preeclampsia symptoms.
Impact of Preeclampsia
As reported by HealthDay, Preeclampsia generally occurs after week 20 of pregnancy, and it also affects 5 to 10 percent of gravidity, according to the American Pregnancy Association.
This condition can beget the liver or order failure in the pregnant women and increase their unborn threat of the heart complaint and if left undressed the preeclampsia can beget the stroke, seizures and inordinate bleeding in the mama and contribute to the low birth weight in the babe.
“It is critical that we take steps toward early detection and prevention of preeclampsia,” said lead researcher Dr. Sherin Devaskar, executive chair of pediatrics at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital.
“It actually continues to be the forwarding cause of maternal mortality and morbidity worldwide, and our findings pulls the potential to address and this persistent public health concern,” Devaskar added in a UCLA news release.
Study Findings
For the study, which is published in the journal Scientific reports, researchers looked at 14 women with the symptoms of preeclampsia and 12 women with healthy pregnancies and seven women who weren’t pregnant.
Blood test that shows the specific micro RNA patterns in pregnant ladies with preeclampsia and these micro RNAs are short RNA molecules that regulates the function of the genes.
Future Implications
Specifically, pregnant women with preeclampsia had 12 microRNAs in higher amounts and 135 in lower amounts, compared to healthy pregnant women.
This pattern could help doctors flag women at risk for preeclampsia and get them early treatment, researchers said. It also could help improve understanding of why preeclampsia occurs in some women.
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